15 Years Of Experience As A Chiropractor in Ortonville and Milbank
Dr. Haugen has 15 years of experience. He is the author of Toxic Inflammation and an award winning chiropractor. He is licensed in MN and SD and has an office on main street in Milbank and Ortonville.
ARPwave Neuro Therapy
We have arpwave therapy at both our Ortonville and Milbank Chiropractic locations.
What conditions can ARPWAVE Neuro Therapy help with:
Anyone in chronic pain. Anyone with arthritis. Anyone who has been told they are bone-on-bone and need joint replacement surgery. Anyone with an athletic injury like a sprain or strain. Anyone who has had joint replacement surgery and is still not back to activity without pain. Anyone who has had ANY surgery and is still not back to activity without pain. Anyone who has had a stroke. Anyone who has a neurological disease. Anyone who has been told they need spinal fusion surgery. Anyone who has a limited range of motion. Anyone who has an ACL-MCL-PCL-LCL-Meniscus tear. Anyone who has a concussion. Anyone who has been told they need surgery.